Friday, August 7, 2009

Train wrecks and prison breaks

TGIF. It's been over a month since the train wreck in June, and things are still not back to normal. August promises to be a month of switch repairs and track work. Commuting takes up more time these days, and I'm wearier when I get home. Nothing like those folks who hit the road at 5AM, thankfully, but the trek to and from the paying job takes close to three hours out of my day these days. I read my friends' Facebook postings about mid-day trips to the pool and dropping by the sculpture garden after work for a quick jazz concert and I get a little envious. But I also remember my friends who have been out of work for over a year (and yes, I know more than one such person), and I think that I can put up with the interminable commute to the cubie farm a little bit longer. But I'm plotting my escape.

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